Why It Works | The Details

Discussion in 'Learning Pad' started by IntenseMagic, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. IntenseMagic

    IntenseMagic Some grannies cuss a lot. I'm some grannies.

    Feb 28, 2012
    Welcome to another edition of Why it Works, where we share and highlight a page from an awesome scrapper in our gallery that utilizes a really cool technique, a design trick, a photography tip, journaling ideas or any number of other things to get you scrapping outside your comfort zone. We hope to share and inspire you to try something new, revisit an old technique you may have forgotten about, or maybe just approach that blank canvas in a new way.

    So, here are some of the things you can do to be involved in this thread if you want to be.

    1. Ohhh and Ahhh over the awesome layout or project that has been highlighted and head over to the gallery and show the scrapper some love.
    2. Learn something new from the tip or tutorial. It's all about becoming better at our craft!
    3. Try the technique yourself and post it in this thread for us to see.
    4. Show off other pages from the gallery that use the technique as well. Be sure to link them so we can give them the love they deserve!
    5. Ask questions about the technique that you may have or tell us how you may do it differently. There are many ways to do these things and this thread is all about the learning!

    *note: this is not to be a critique of the page/project in any way, it's all about learning to emulate the awesome technique highlighted. Any negative comments about the highlighted page will be deleted.*

    I love photography! You can’t always tell it from my layouts because these days it seems that everything is done in a rush, but I have been taking pictures for as long as I can remember. Going through the gallery, it’s always great to see all those beautiful smiling faces or that gorgeous scenery! But there are so many little details that are worth documenting as well. When I came across this layout by @AnikA68, I just knew I had to feature it here.


    The close-up on the hands shuffling the cards is such a perfect example of capturing a detail that might have been totally overlooked had the photo been of the whole scene. I absolutely love this! When we journal, we try to detail the images on our page, but how about capturing some of the details with the photography itself!

    When our children and grandchildren are grown, we will miss the tiny hands and feet. Why not take the time to capture them and document them. Document their hand in yours, their first attempts to hold things, their fingers wrapped around yours, their tiny feet next to yours. And it surely doesn’t all have to be about little ones. It could be your husband’s hands as he works, your messy hair on a particularly hard day, or your teenagers hands playing a game on their phone. The possibilities are endless.

    You don’t have to consciously take these photos, either. Take a close look at photos you already have. Is there a detail in one of those you could crop and use to tell a story?

    I love this photo of my daughter, her SO, and her son


    But with a simple crop, I have another story to tell


    I found a couple more great examples in the gallery of capturing details.

    By @Roboliver


    By @cinderella


    What details do you have to share and document?​
  2. jenn mccabe

    jenn mccabe She's OUR sunshine!

    Jan 5, 2013
    So so true! This is fabulous Jan! I love the way the photo looks when you zoom in tight on the hands! So precious! And I love all the examples you shared!

    I have this page where I took a few shots of my Daughter working hard on a drawing for art class - the one I liked best was a close up of her hand, the pencil and the drawing. You can see parts of her - but not her face clearly.


    I have this one that zooms in on the wild flowers she collected - but also tells the bigger story of context via place and time in the photos as well.


    And this one is sort of the same ... expressions and details of her holding a lady bug for the first time ... all shared on 1 page.
    MrsPeel and IntenseMagic like this.
  3. IntenseMagic

    IntenseMagic Some grannies cuss a lot. I'm some grannies.

    Feb 28, 2012
    Love those examples, Jenn! I have taken quite a few of my kids working on school assignments and they are some of my fav photos. I love that you included the details and the bigger picture! Thanks for sharing!
    MrsPeel and jenn mccabe like this.
  4. corsicar

    corsicar Dinner tonight? Something chocolate I'm sure!

    Nov 17, 2015
    I don't focus on people details so much, probably because my camera/phone aren't the greatest. The detail things I focus on are to help me remember specifics. Like in these two.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    But I love how you can tell a story just with some artful cropping!

    And this was actually my very first TLP page, again wanting to remember the WHY.
    jenn mccabe and MrsPeel like this.
  5. AnikA68

    AnikA68 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
    thanks for highlighting my page, I feel honored
    MrsPeel and IntenseMagic like this.
  6. Roboliver

    Roboliver I feel right at home at the Glitter Gulch!

    Jan 12, 2013
    Thanks for highlighting my page as well. Terribly exciting. :bk
    MrsPeel and IntenseMagic like this.
  7. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012
    Jan, this is amazing!!!! the LOs are gorgeous, and so very true about getting close....
    I wanted to show a page I had made with an apple, which even though long ago, I still love, but couldn't find it :(
    Here are a couple

    jenn mccabe likes this.
  8. mcurtt

    mcurtt give me all the paleo brownies

    Jan 2, 2015
    I have @MrsPeel to thank for this one, an up-close and personal challenge.
    Hopefully you can zoom in and read the journaling.

    MrsPeel likes this.
  9. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012

    OHHHHHH I do remember this page!!!!!!!!! you so very rocked the whole thing!!!!!!!!! LOVE the page so so much!!!!!!!! your writing skills are as amazing as your visual talent!!!!!
    mcurtt likes this.

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