Week 3...

Discussion in 'Fit Pad' started by rchansen, May 2, 2016.

  1. rchansen

    rchansen in the sweet tooth recovery program

    Jan 1, 2014
    Onto week three!! So far so good. Still exercising almost everyday!! Took the weekend "off" but my husband and I laid the concrete pad for the shed he's building so I got plenty of heavy lifting and cardio in this weekend. Plus he did almost 50000 steps on his FitBit this weekend so I'm guessing I should have been pretty close. Yay!! I really need to pull mine back out!! Also, really good food decisions all weekend. Hubby almost broke and was begging me to go to Perkins for breakfast yesterday but I wouldn't give in.

    How's everyone else doing?
  2. klee73010

    klee73010 I might have a thing for drummers

    Apr 25, 2015
    But seriously. I upped my fitbit goal today to 6000 steps/day and told my husband I wanted to aim for 4-5 runs/week now, instead of 3. So, I am getting my exercise in. Every now and again I make a good food choice haha. but i do want to increase the amount of time that happens, too. At the very least, I am more limiting of my portions when I am making a bad choice. Instead of 7 cookies/handful, I'm having 1 or 2. This counts as a win for me. :D
  3. rchansen

    rchansen in the sweet tooth recovery program

    Jan 1, 2014
    Oh Kristina...I would stop at Holiday gas station and get three M&M cookies daily. Daily!! Now I am allowing myself ONE at the end of the week as a reward for being good all week. I miss my cookies but it's been a good thing. Baby steps are a start...a win is a win. I need to get my FitBit out and start using it again. I bet there's a FitBit group here (going to check!!)
    klee73010 likes this.
  4. klee73010

    klee73010 I might have a thing for drummers

    Apr 25, 2015
    There is...!
  5. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    It was a topsy turvy week! I stayed on the food good, but life did get in the way. I was not able to move this week, as in walk! That will change this week. I am officially down 20 pounds, so that is good!

  6. klee73010

    klee73010 I might have a thing for drummers

    Apr 25, 2015

    Congratulations Anne! 20 lbs is fantastic!
  7. amandac

    amandac Read, or Run? Hmmm ...

    May 25, 2010
    Well done everyone! I am still keeping up with the workouts and maintain my weight (with a minimal down slide) but now the weather is cooler I am stepping things up again to start burning some serious calories! My Garmin is on notice ..... things are about to go off!

    keepscrappin likes this.
  8. keepscrappin

    keepscrappin ScrapWithTheWind

    Apr 2, 2010
  9. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    Ice cream for mom's day and a huge brownie...DElicious!
    back on the wagon today!
    shirtaki noodles and shrimp with cabbage tonight, having friends over too..they are low carbing and gonna try the noodles with us!
  10. keepscrappin

    keepscrappin ScrapWithTheWind

    Apr 2, 2010
  11. klee73010

    klee73010 I might have a thing for drummers

    Apr 25, 2015
    We had cauli rice in our stir fry tonight. I have to say, I'm a fan! Now, here's to hoping I can start getting Cauli at a good price, because what I paid for it seems pretty high, in retro spect. But the rice froze and reheated well without issue. so... stock up, food processer with "shred" wheel, and freeze. Done and done!.
    enjoyyourpix likes this.
  12. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    Cauliflower should start being a bit cheaper these next few weeks. It is expensive..but so are extra large pants...I am fighting to get out of the 1x size right now...almos there! lol
    I used the shirataki noodles in my cabbage stir fry last night! REMARKABLE...pan drying them and adding seasoning (did soy sauce, some garlic and sriacha sauce! We had people over and everything...they are low carb folks and were amazed at the "cheating" having chow mein!
    just found this recipe site for the noodles!
    **warning-there is a lot of fiber in these noodles** lol
    enjoyyourpix and klee73010 like this.

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