Am I the only one?

Discussion in 'Project Life/365/52' started by RebeccaH, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. RebeccaH

    RebeccaH Life is exciting, yes it is!

    Jul 12, 2009
    Okay you guys, I've been HORRIBLE lately!! I keep forgetting to take pictures of stuff! We go out to eat for an event - I forget to take pictures. We have a milestone moment (like a last concert or a visit with grandparents whom we don't often get to see) - I forget to take pictures. GAAAH! And I'm definitely not thinking to take pictures of everyday ordinary stuff. I guess one thing's for sure - my albums should come together quickly!! LOL!

    Am I the only one who struggles with this sometimes? How do you remind yourself when you're in the moment to stop and get the camera out? This has never been an issue for me before, but I've noticed it more and more lately.
  2. tkradtke

    tkradtke Professional Brainstormer

    Dec 28, 2009
    I'm bad about it right now... but I think it's because I'm behind on PL. PL isn't currently in the forefront of my mind like it is when I'm caught up (or at least closer to caught up). Plus I think there's a little bit of not wanting to add to my "pile" of unscrapped photos. I took no real photos from Clara's dance recital (just one of the program), I took no Father's Day photos today, so many events lately that I've dropped the ball on.

    I'm not sure what to suggest for you... but I know I'll be better once I'm caught up again. So, I'm going to focus on catching back up and getting excited about it again. I'm very close to finishing up my first book of the year and then I'll start fresh with book 2.
  3. Scrapping with Liz

    Scrapping with Liz Crafts for days.

    Dec 19, 2015
    Some weeks I do really good and some weeks not so much.

    Tonight my oldest daughter made dinner and my parents came over for Father's Day. I didn't take one single photo. Ugh!
  4. bcgal00

    bcgal00 Say, "birdseed!"

    Nov 18, 2010
    I've been using my iPhone more lately than my dslr but maybe when the weather improves and getting outdoors will inspire me to take photos. I only took a few photos today whereas usually I would take tons. I think it's normal to get in a slump sometimes so don't stress about it. Eventually something will catch my attention that gets me wanting to take photos.
  5. StefanieS

    StefanieS Think it over, think it under

    Jan 2, 2014
    I left my phone behind yesterday (Father's Day - forgot it charging) total fail. Took some snaps with Hubby's phone but still need to get my grubby paws on them. Hopefully later today.
  6. cookingmylife

    cookingmylife Pizza would be my last meal, except ...

    Aug 1, 2012
    I was just going to holler YES to tease you @RebeccaH but it's totally a NO from me. I took a bunch of photos pre-ceremony at my gdd's hs graduation but by the time it actually happened I just wanted to get out of that convention hall and the zillion people. My dil got a couple that I can snag from FB but still...Then afterwards with lunch we just talked and ate. I got ONE photo. Sometimes you just have to experience the experience and forget about photos - and try not to regret the lack afterwards. For me to spend another pleasant family event with my xh is worth so much more.
    Tree City likes this.
  7. QuiltyMom

    QuiltyMom I'll never run out of things to do!

    Feb 3, 2012
    You are not the only one! I'm guilty as charged. maybe it's because I have such a backlog of photos to scrap, or that I'm caught up in the moment and I forget. But I need to change that!
  8. scrappyjedi

    scrappyjedi Patience you must have, my young padawan

    Jul 21, 2014
    I've gotten really bad about this, too! I'll remember to take photos of the really big things, like vacations, but for the everyday stuff I either totally forget or procrastinate on taking pictures until it's too late.

    One thing I'm trying to do to overcome it is to allow myself to use just my iPhone to take photos more often. I love my DSLR dearly, but I don't always want to haul it out these days. If I take a picture with my phone, though, I don't really have to get any extra equipment out (because, dude, that phone is always right there with me), and at least I then have something to put on a Project Life page!
    mixedclawzz likes this.
  9. MrsGaramer

    MrsGaramer Using my imagination

    Dec 30, 2015

    This is me. Lately, when I do take pics, it's all the same stuff. I'm in a weird holding pattern with pl. Not sure where it's going to go.
    RebeccaH likes this.
  10. RebeccaH

    RebeccaH Life is exciting, yes it is!

    Jul 12, 2009
    I feel like this is the natural tendency for this project... I think maybe because it's never-ending... We can only hope to stay caught up, but when one year ends, a new one begins. It's different than other scrap projects - vacation albums, holidays, etc. After a while, you start to feel like all of your pictures look the same because all of your weeks feel the same. IDK. I think it's best to just let ourselves off the hook -- if there's not much to say about a week, then don't say anything. I mean, when I look back at my baby albums and photos from childhood, there are MONTHS at a time missing, where not one single photo was taken, and still my mom never felt any pressure that her albums were incomplete... she documented what was meaningful to her, what she wanted to remember and share with others, and she moved on. I say we give ourselves freedom to do the same!
    MrsGaramer likes this.
  11. cookingmylife

    cookingmylife Pizza would be my last meal, except ...

    Aug 1, 2012
    One thing I've never done, mainly because we have screens in all our windows, is to take the same photo every day - or even week - out one window and watch the change over time. Doesn't someone here line her children up and take that same photo every week? Ditto with doing a selfie? Just ideas...

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